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Prince Adrian

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

I'm back!

If you're following my blog or some of you might have left me, you might think that I've abandoned this blog. No, I just couldn't find time for it! I've been blogging for more than 10 years, never expect I could stop for such a long time. Mainly because I have finally quit my career and little did I know that being a homemaker has so much to do with so little time everyday. I have less time to go online, especially with the technology of smartphones & my iPad, I hardly turn on my laptop nowadays. 

Things happened, what comes around does really goes around. I've got really busy days during the month of July & August, mainly because our maid went back to Indonesia for her happy vacation while I had to become the 'Maria' at home, couldn't even find time for myself to rest. Mom had a knee replacement surgery at QE2 on 4 August, it was a success one, her knee has finally got a replacement i.e. a platinum hinge. It is a surgical procedure to replace the weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint to relieve the pain and disability of her left knee. Alright, I do not know how to explain it with all the medical jargons, but all I know is my mom is recovering well after 2 months of her surgery.

Adrian has turned two! He wears his heart in his voice (still baby talks), his fists, his stamping feet & all his crocodile tears to get what he wants. And what he wants means he really wants it, by hook or by crook. This is so little-Sylvia, he inherited this stubborn character of mine! It's the second year of his life, which is among the most challenging developmentally. He tends to be more fun now, moves around confidently & plays with less assistance now. I'm glad that he starts to take a little instructions from me by an increasing understanding of my rules at home, which sometimes the daddy doesn't even follow! LOL! Yes, I'm a person with loads of rules & regulations at home! 

Again, I'm gonna make a promise or more appropriately known as challenge-to-myself, to keep this blog more up-to-date, at least with Adrian's development! 

'Till the next time I blog! 

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