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Prince Adrian

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Adrian's 1st explore to the sandy beach

I can't remember when was my last picnic, I have to admit that I do not fancy this kind of activity, my friends & families who know me well would know that I MELT UNDER THE HOT SUN! I never realize I can actually sacrifice so much for my one & only son after becoming a mom!

Last week Alex, my hairstylist, suggested to have some fun on the sandy beach for the children and so today we made it. Adrian was so excited to touch the sand & build the 'incomplete castle'.

2 cute little fella enjoying ...

Adrian was playing with Celest (Alex & Diana's younger daughter)

And so ... I've been through another amazing milestone together with Adrian! I managed to stay on the beach, snapping photos & playing sand with him without fainting, thanks god headache did not hit me as well.


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