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Prince Adrian

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Majlis Bergunting (Hair Cutting Ceremony) for Adrian

This post is a little bit late, but it's finally up as promised!

I don't actually know much about this tradition, according to hubby and my in-laws, this is a part of the Malay culture symbolizes the end of a mother's 40 day confinement after childbirth and its a right of passage for the baby. While the hair cutting shall be a fresh start in life I guess. I presume this tradition should be similar to our baby full moon or baby shower kind of ceremony.

Most of the Malay do this right after the 40 days of confinement but our circumstances did not allow us to do that as my in-laws were in Mecca performing their Haji-ship. So the family decided to do it on Saturday, 4 December 2010, which was about 2 weeks ago. Nothing really significant with the date, but it was just a convenient date for all the family members to attend.

The ceremony was a success one, it started with a prayer and it went on smoothly with all the elderly cutting a little bit of his hair. His hair was then kept in a young coconut and later thrown in the ocean by his grandfather.

Before the ceremony, I've got zero knowledge on what it's gonna happen and what they gonna do on Adrian. Though I was told that not all his hair is cut, but I was kind of worried that he would become a little monk after that. It was just my stupid thought, Adrian was absolutely safe in the daddy's protected arm on that day, everyone was guided which part of his hair to cut. Even the eldest man cut it out of harm's way with his shaking hands and blurred vision. Anyway, the entire ceremony was a good one, it had been a great experience for me, I've learnt something new again.

The Gallery

Our first family pix in Malay costume

It's definitely an honour to have Kung Kung & LiangPoPo
witnessing this memorable moment

The mummy & the prince

Adrian was protected at all times

The memorable moment

The young coconut was placed on a ceremonial tray,
accompanied by kunyit (turmeric) & bunga rampai (fragrant flowers)

Adorable cupcakes for the guests

And last but not least ...

Adrian's first plane ride ... he was sleeping throughout the entire journey



Anonymous said...

Kiss baby Adrian for me please!!! and cupcakes is sooooooooo cute! and really adorable!!!

The Little Creamy said...

Sure Ervina, Thanks!

The cupcakes were homemade by my MIL's friend, that lady made this to sell in Sandakan.

You're also selling cupcakes this festive seasons right? How's the business going?