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Prince Adrian

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Sandakan: 7 - 11 April 2012

It was rather a very boring relaxing trip for me, I spent 2 full days at home wandering around, eating & sleeping like a wild boar (seriously, I've gained much weight during this 4D/3N trip, MIL never stops cooking until I didn't even get a chance to have a single feel of hunger). Anyhow, thanks to my iPhone, I managed to kill my time easily.

Nevertheless, Adrian enjoyed so much at the house, running in & out!

The Montessori way of saying - "Small children want to be part of your world. For them, work is every bit as much fun as play if they are given the chance to do it." Since MIL has got a big planting area outside the house, we've made Adrian a little gardener every evening. Surprisingly found out that he can water the plants much better than I do!

... and this short clip shows his excitement!


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